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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Sep 27, 2021
TV: "The Joey Bishop Show," 8:30 p.m. on NBC
Sept. 27, 1961 - Tonight on "The Joey Bishop Show," Joey expects to be doing publicity work for Marilyn Monroe, but his new client is a...
Sep 20, 2021
TV: "The Joey Bishop Show" Series Premiere Tonight on NBC
Sept. 20, 1961 - Tonight marks the series premiere of "The Joey Bishop Show," to be televised at 8:30 p.m. on NBC. Storylines during the...
Sep 17, 2021
TV: "Car 54, Where Are You?" Debuts Tonight on NBC
Sept. 17, 1961 - On tonight's "Car 54, Where Are You?" pilot episode, Officers Toody (Joe E. Ross) and Muldoon (Fred Gwynne) are...
Sep 14, 2021
TV: "The Donna Reed Show" Fourth Season
Sept. 14, 1961 - On tonight's Season Four premiere of "The Donna Reed Show," Mary's careless driving leads to an unexpected romantic...
Sep 14, 2021
TV: "Red Skelton Show" Begins 11th Season on Sept. 26
Sept. 14, 1961 - The "Red Skelton Show," long a television fixture at 9:30 p.m. on CBS, will be rescheduled at 9 p.m. when it begins its...

Aug 23, 2021
TV: Revue Productions Purchases "Leave It to Beaver"
Aug. 23, 1961 - George Gobel, the television comedian, and his partner David O'Malley today sold their 50 percent share in the TV comedy...

Jul 26, 2021
Show Business Veteran Shirley Booth to Star in "Hazel" on NBC-TV
July 26, 1961 - Shirley Booth, whose knowledge of show business is extensive, has been learning that the television series is a thing...
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