1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Sir Winston Churchill Celebrates 89th Birthday
Twentieth Anniversary of Battle of Tarawa Observed
President Kennedy Receives WWII Citation
Nazi Officer Who Arrested Anne Frank and Family Identified
General Patton’s Sign to Attend Army War College
General John Hodge Is Dead
TV: Tonight on “Combat!”
Senator Morse Hits Governor Wallace’s “Nervous Condition”
James Cushing Is Dead
Major General Charles D.W. Canham Is Dead
General Eisenhower Returns to Normandy
Ike To Return to Normandy for CBS Special with Walter Cronkite
JFK Visited by Mother of Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
M.E. Clifton James, WWII Montgomery Impersonator, Is Dead
Auschwitz Trial Opens in Frankfurt
Two Former Eichmann Aides Charged with Mass Murder
20th Anniversary of Battle of Warsaw Ghetto is Honored
Gen. LeMay Visits Japan
Eichmann’s Right-Hand Man Turns Himself In
10 Ukrainians Executed for Having Served S.S. Guards During WWII