1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
General Walker Calls WWII Siege of Stalingrad a “Farce”
Movies: "The Longest Day"
Former President Truman Calls Soviets Liars
Hitler's "Wolf's Lair" Now a Tourist Attraction
Ambassador Gavin Commemorates D-Day in France
Gen. MacArthur Receives Thayer Award at West Point, Speaks to Cadets
May 12, 1962 - Gen. Douglas MacArthur at West Point: "Duty, Honor, Country"
WWII General Manton S. Eddy Dead at 69
Movies: Stuart Whitman to Star in "The Day and the Hour"
TV: "The Gallant Men" Will Debut this Fall on ABC
Seventeenth Anniversary of WWII Crossing at Remagen
Former S.S. Guard Faces Charges for Murdering 20 Jews in WWII
Iwo Jima Flag-Raising Reenactment in Times Square
Nationalist Chinese General Hu Tsung-Nan Dead at 62
General Henry I. Hodes Dead at 62, Combat Commander in WWII and Korea
Memorial to General George C. Marshall To Be Erected in Frankfurt
Movies: Robert Ryan Signed for "The Longest Day"
Former Nazi SS General Karl Wolff is Arreste
Two-Part Podcast on Holocaust Organizer Adolf Eichman
Movie-Set Decorator to Play Eisenhower in "The Longest Day"